Now that you know how to open a dataset, let's go a little bit deeper and start examining some individual data records. This section of the lesson discusses how to read and search data tables. These tables often provide the attributes for vector features, but they can also stand alone in some cases. The next section will cover how to write data to tables. At the end of the lesson, we'll look at rasters.
As we work with the data, it will be helpful for you to follow along, copying and pasting the example code into practice scripts. Throughout the lesson, you'll encounter exercises that you can do to practice what you just learned. You're not required to turn in these exercises; but if you complete them, you will have a greater familiarity with the code that will be helpful when you begin working on this lesson's project. It's impossible to read a book or a lesson, then sit down and write perfect code. Much of what you learn comes through trial and error and learning from mistakes. Thus, it's wise to write code often as you complete the lesson.