GEOG 583
Geospatial System Analysis and Design

Lesson Overview

Lesson Overview

In this module, you be learning about some of the different types of geospatial data including open data (as opposed to proprietary data), geospatial big data, real-time data, and volunteered geographic information/citizen science/crowdsourced data. Although all of these concepts will be introduced to you, all the data sources may not apply to your specific geospatial design.

In this assignment, you will be describing the data sources included on your geospatial design, including the source of the data, spatial information, collection methods, and citations/links. You will also discuss the data as it relates to open/proprietary, big data, real-time data, and/or VGI/crowdsourced data.


At the successful completion of this lesson, students should be able to:

  1. Find and describe the geospatial data that will be displayed in the geospatial design
  2. Create a table that shows the features of the data, including spatial information, collection methods, and citations/links.
  3. Describe the data as it relates to open/proprietary, big geospatial data, real-time data, and/or volunteered geographic information/crowdsourced data (where applicable)


Step Activity Directions
1 Work through Module 6 You are in the Lesson 6 online content right now. Be sure to carefully read through the online lesson material.



Complete the Data Assignment:

  1. Find the data that will be displayed in your geospatial data and add the links 

  1. Create a table that shows the data spatial information, collection methods, and any other information

  1. Include whether the data are considered big data, real time data, VGI data, propriety/open, or other

3 Technology Discussion No technology discussion