GEOG 583
Geospatial System Analysis and Design

Lesson 6 Reading Assignment

Lesson 6 Reading Assignment

In the first set of readings, you will be introduced to a detailed explanation of scenario-based design and persona mapping, which are both necessary for understanding your user designs. You will use the content found in these readings to construct the user analysis section of your design proposal. The third article outlines the context necessary for developing needs assessment questions to solicit user feedback before developing the design, either through surveys, discussion posts, both, or another feedback method. The final article is optional if you would like to explore the National Centers for Environmental Information Experience Builder.

Optional Read about Big Data

Lee, J. G., & Kang, M. (2015). Geospatial big data: challenges and opportunities. Big Data Research, 2(2), 74-81.

Think About:

This article discusses geospatial big data including the big data sources (which is available in the module content), as well as big data challenges and opportunities. If you are interested in exploring geospatial big data, read and/or skim this article, particularly section 3. Data collection. While you are reading, think about how you can use geospatial big data in your own project.

Optional Read about Volunteered Geographic Data/Citizen Science/Crowd Sourced Data

See, L., Estima, J., Pődör, A., Arsanjani, J. J., Bayas, J. C. L., & Vatseva, R. (2017). Sources of VGI for Mapping. Citizen Sensor, 13.

Think About:

This book chapter discusses the definition and sources of VGI data. Some of the information has been provided in the module content, but the book chapter provides a lot more VGI sources. While you are reading, think about how you can use the VGI sources listed in this chapter for your own project.

Optional Reads about Real Time Data and Internet of Things Articles

Lwin, K., Hashimoto, M., & Murayama, Y. (2014). Real-time geospatial data collection and visualization with smartphone. Journal of Geographic Information System, 2014.

Rose, K., Eldridge, S., & Chapin, L. (2015). The internet of things: An overview. The internet society (ISOC), 80(15), 1-53.

Chaudhry, N., Yousaf, M. M., & Khan, M. T. (2020). Indexing of real time geospatial data by IoT enabled devices: Opportunities, challenges and design considerations. Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments, 12(4), 281-312.

Think About:

These articles discuss real time data, the application of real time in a geospatial design, and the integration of real time data with Internet of Things. An explanation of the Internet of Things has already been presented in the module content, however, these articles provide additional resources for understanding how IoT can be used with real time geospatial data.

Optional Read about Open Data

Coetzee, S., Ivánová, I., Mitasova, H., & Brovelli, M. A. (2020). Open geospatial software and data: A review of the current state and a perspective into the future. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 9(2), 90.

Think About:

This article discusses the different open data sources. Some of the information is provided in the module content, but the article provides more specific information regarding data accuracy and availability. While you are reading, consider how you may use open data in your own project. Which type of open data could you use – VGI, crowd source, citizen science, scientific open data, government open data, or any other type?