GEOG 858
Spatial Data Science for Emergency Management

Exercise Submission and Grading


For each part of this exercise, you'll write a short assessment of the situation on the ground, keeping in mind your role as a geospatial analyst supporting operations and field teams.

Each response should be about 400 words in length. Together, they are worth 50 points.

Submission Instructions

It is important for you to save your files in the following format so that I can match each submission up with the correct student. 

L2_exercise_firstinitialLastName.doc  For example, my file would be named "L2_exercise_mBeaty.doc" 

Upload your assignment to the Deliverable: GIS and UAV Data Exercise Dropbox (L2). See the Course Syllabus or Calendar for specific due dates.

Grading Criteria

This will be graded out of 50 points and will count towards the Exercise portion of your grade. I will assess it using the following rubric.

Lesson 2 Exercise Rubric
Criteria Points
Content (part 1)
You make strong and logical arguments and provide analytical insights. Ideas are well organized, clearly communicated and relevant to the prompt. All criteria are accurately addressed. Supporting details are shared, elaborated upon and demonstrate understanding. Examples are provided, and your essay includes images or other multimedia that support content.
Content (part 2)
You make strong and logical arguments and provide analytical insights.[j1] Ideas are well organized, clearly communicated and relevant to the prompt. All criteria are accurately addressed. Supporting details are shared, elaborated upon and demonstrate understanding. Examples are provided, and your essay includes images or other multimedia that support content.

Clarity and Mechanics (parts 1 & 2)
Evidence of editing and proofreading are evident. Writing is engaging and well-structured with excellent transitions between sentences and paragraphs. Concepts are integrated in an original manner.

Mechanics (word limits and other requirements) were met.
Total 50