GEOG 863:
Web Application Development for Geospatial Professionals

6.2.1 2D Symbols


In Lesson 4, we talked briefly about the API’s 2D Symbol classes in the context of adding graphics to a map. To refresh your memory, MarkerSymbols are used for Points, LineSymbols for Polylines and FillSymbols for Polygons. We saw that these three classes are actually abstract, and that the Symbol objects you can create are of the following classes:

Point: SimpleMarkerSymbol or PictureMarkerSymbol
Line: SimpleLineSymbol
Polygon: SimpleFillSymbol or PictureFillSymbol

The SimpleMarkerSymbol class has three particularly important properties:

color: can be set using a name string, a hexadecimal string, or RGB values;
size: can be set in points or pixels;
style: valid values include “circle”, “cross”, “diamond”, “square” and “x”

Less commonly used is the outline property, which defines how the outer edge of the symbol looks. (It is a thin black line by default.) This property must be set using a SimpleLineSymbol object (discussed below).

As its name implies, the PictureMarkerSymbol class is used to depict point geometries using an image. The important properties are url (set to the address of the image), along with width and height(set in points or pixels).

Like SimpleMarkerSymbol, the SimpleLineSymbol class also has three commonly set properties:

color: set like the color property above
style: default value is “solid”; others include “dash” and “dot”; see SDK for full list
width: like the size property above, can be set in points or pixels

Finally, the SimpleFillSymbol class has three important properties of its own:

color: same as above
outline: set using a SimpleLineSymbol
style: default value is “solid”; “none” is also commonly used; see SDK for full list

Below is an example that depicts the Jen & Barry’s data on a 2D map. The PictureMarkerSymbol class is applied to display the cities using an ice cream cone icon. Note that a SimpleMarkerSymbol (a yellow square) is also created and can be applied instead by commenting out line 40 and uncommenting line 39. Highways are shown as solid red lines using the SimpleLineSymbol class, and counties are shown in a solid gray fill with dashed outlines using the SimpleFillSymbol class.

Note that throughout the rest of the course, we'll be embedding pens from CodePen like the one below to give you a convenient way to interact with sample pages that we've written. The pens will initialize with the JS code shown on the left and the rendered page on the right. You can click on the HTML or CSS buttons to view those pieces of the app, click on the JS button to make the rendered page fill the whole box, or click the Result button to make the code fill the whole box. If you'd like the ability to modify the code a la Esri's sandbox, then you can click on the Edit on CodePen link in the upper right of the box.

See the Pen Jen & Barry's 2D Symbols by Jim Detwiler (@jimdetwiler) on CodePen.

If you look at the coding of the PictureMarkerSymbol, you'll see that the url has been set to an AGOL address, which may seem odd. The reason for this is found in the description of the url property:

To avoid CORS issues with this symbol, do one of the following:
  • Make certain that the image is hosted on a CORS enabled server.
  • Use an image hosted on the same domain as the application.
  • Install a proxy.

We'll talk more about CORS later in the course, but for now it's good enough to understand that in order for the custom symbol to show up properly in the CodePen example above, it was necessary to upload the image to AGOL, share it with the public, and copy its URL.  If you're instead creating a page that will run on your own web server, you can upload the image to the server and define the symbol's url property using the image's URL. For example:

  const coneSym = new PictureMarkerSymbol({
    url: "images/cone2.png",