Congratulations! You have just completed Lesson 7. I hope that you appreciated the value of the UAS imagery in producing geospatial data that is suitable for many applications in our day to day life. Ortho photo and digital elevation model are indispensable tools used in many environmental and engineering projects. Without them, we would have to put many boots on the ground to survey the terrain and provide the necessary data for engineering and planning. Practicing with the processing software Pix4D, which I selected for the course, will help you tremendously in appreciating the quality and value of the digital ortho photo and digital elevation model.
Final Tasks
1 | Study lesson 7 materials on CANVAS/Drupal and the text books chapters assigned to the lesson |
2 | Complete the Lesson 7 Quiz. |
3 | Start your first post for the discussion on "FAA Road map". The deadline for submission is at the end of Lesson 8; you will have two weeks to participate. (3 points or 3%) |
4 | Start your first post for the discussion on "Differences Between Rules and Regulations" |
5 | Continue working on your final project report and presentation (due end of week 9). |
6 | Submit your Pix4D processing materials for exercise 2 |
7 | Practice generating DSM and ortho mosaic at different GSDs using Pix4D and evaluate the differences in qualities. |
8 | Continue working on your COA Application that is due by the end of week 8. |