The links below provide an outline of the material for this lesson. Be sure to carefully read through the entire lesson before returning to Canvas to submit your assignments.
- 5.0: Lesson Overview
- 5.1: Introduction
- 5.2: Estimation of Original Gas In-Place, OGIP, Using the Volumetric Method
- 5.3: Drive Mechanisms in Gas Reservoirs
- 5.4: Performance of Gas Wells
- 5.4.1: Stabilized Inflow Performance of Gas Wells
- Stabilized Flow of Gas to a Vertical Production Well in Terms of Pressure
- Stabilized Flow of Gas to a Vertical Production Well in Terms of Pressure-Squared
- Stabilized Flow of Gas to a Vertical Production Well in Terms of the Real Gas Pseudo-Pressure, m(p)
- The Rawlins and Schellhardt Backpressure or Deliverability Equation
- 5.4.2: Transient Performance of Gas Wells
- Derivation of the Diffusivity Equation in Radial-Cylindrical Coordinates for Compressible Gas Flow
- The Diffusivity Equation for a Gas in Radial-Cylindrical Coordinates in Terms of Pressure
- The Diffusivity Equation for a Gas in Radial-Cylindrical Coordinates in Terms of Pressure-Squared
- The Diffusivity Equation for a Gas in Radial-Cylindrical Coordinates in Terms of Real Gas Pseudo-Pressure, m(p)
- 5.5: Field Performance of Gas Reservoirs
- 5.5.1: Field and Well Performance of Gas Reservoirs by Material Balance
- 5.5.2: Field and Well Performance of Gas Reservoirs with Arps Decline Curve Analysis
- 5.6: Key Learnings
- 5.7: Summary and Final Tasks