Congratulations! Your design team has been hired by Costco Wholesale Corporation to propose solar integration in one of their regions (to showcase one of their commercial retail buildings in each location). Your job is to make a short written survey of the case, suggesting a plan to maximize the solar utility for their regional management in Texas.
Building Location: Austin, TX
I would suggest you develop the outline that addresses three topics that commonly occur in a solar integration discussion: (1) energy efficiency, (2) adding solar technologies on site or off-site, and (3) economic and environmental rationale.
Here is the suggested structure:
- General Information for Locale (in its diverse meaning)
- Building Energy Information: energy demand (known or approximated), energy provider, energy sources, e.g. natural gas, electric., etc.)
- Location/Site Analysis for SECS: Area available for SECS: PV / Solar Hot Water Systems / Passive solar / Solar roof control (white roof, green roof)
- Energy Efficiency Strategies: SECS efficiency considerations and building energy efficiency/conservation
- Key Stakeholders (not only Regional Managers)
- Economic Considerations
- Environmental Considerations
- Another company previously developed a similar summary for Costco NY location. It is available to you as an example (see Canvas), but resist to just copy their format - you can do a better job organizing and presenting your data!
Diverse resources available from the USA Dept. of Energy:
- Open EI: Energy Information Database
- Buildings Performance Database
- Green Power Network
- Database of State Incentives for Renewable Energy (NCSU and DoE/NREL)
There are also extensive resources available at the 7Group website.
Submit your outlines as PDF files in the Canvas Learning Activity 6.1 Dropbox: Pre-Design Summary. Appropriately cite any references used in your report.
Grading Criteria
You will be graded on your ability to develop a compelling outline that raises new questions and provides scope for the upcoming charrette. All this is based on limited information of the actual site, but extensive access to general information about the type of building and potential stakeholders. The activity assesses your knowledge of investigating the client and stakeholders and the locale when planning to maximize solar utility in the pre-design phase.
Grading Rubric
This is a 20 point assignment
- 4 pts: include at least 4 elements of locale
- 4 pt: assess the building type (commercial retail/warehouse) for on-site energy demand
- 4 pt: assess the area/site and its suitability for installing solar technologies for local energy production
- 2 pt: assess strategies for reducing energy demand
- 2 pt: include a list of at least five types of potential stakeholders for the charette
- 2 pt: list economic questions to consider
- 2 pt: list environmental questions to consider
See the Calendar tab in Canvas for specific due dates.