Term Project - Final Version
This week, you will be combining all the sections of your paper and adding some additional elements into a final proposal document. Make sure you have addressed the issues I pointed out in my review of your draft sections. If you have questions about your changes that you'd like me to answer, ask soon so I have time to get back to you before the due date. Once you have made it through the edits I suggested, consider the following ideas for enhancing your final project:
- Remember that you are the expert on this project idea. Your reader is not the expert. Your task is to explain to the reader in simple enough terms to make them understand the scope and purpose of your project.
- Include images, links to multimedia, and other content that would help a decision-maker understand the context of your report. Don't forget to cite media sources properly!
- Make sure that the formatting of your report is consistent and elegant - make it look professional.
- Ask a classmate, colleague at work, or someone else who would be reasonably familiar with the content to read your report and provide feedback.
- Make sure you include each section of the suggested outline
Term Project Outline
Cover Page: The cover page identifies the report and its authors. The cover should include the name of the project, its purpose, names of key team members and/or their group/firm, audience, and date of preparation. Graphics add interest and may communicate other values important to the project.
Executive Summary (~250 words): The Executive Summary (abstract) should motivate readers to study the full report. The executive summary is a short, powerful synopsis of the report, highlighting important needs, presenting key features of the proposed solution, and listing the significant benefits of the solution. It should be less than one page in length, address issues of greatest interest to decision makers, including pivotal technical and business merits of the conceptual design, and it should recommend desired responses to the proposal.
Table of Contents: The table of contents is a list, usually before the start of a written work, of the section titles with their commencing page numbers.
Background: This background section provides a background of the problem, explains the current situation, identifies the proposed solution to the problem, and provides of the overall objectives of the design and proposal. You will write this like a literature review and have sources/citations (around 10).
Needs Assessment: The Needs Assessment section discusses the different users of the system and how each of the users will be involved in the design project. This section also describes the different needs assessment options, which one you chose and why, and how you will implement the needs assessment in your proposal.
Concepts Considered: The Concepts Considered section describes the options explored by the design team in its search for a solution to the above problem. It should address both original ideas and those derived from other sources, summarize the scope of ideas considered and highlight the most creative and relevant concepts for the overall solution and for its component parts.
Concept Selection: The Concept Selection section describes the processes and rationale used for selecting the “best” concepts for the overall product and for the component parts of the design product. It may include summary tables comparing concepts against design criteria or summary evaluations of specific concepts.
Wireframe design: The wireframe design section includes multiple designs to show the user interface screens, arrow/explanations for each feature and screens of the interface, an explanation of the steps the user will take to navigate the interface, and a justification for the design.
System Architecture: The system architecture section describes the overall architecture and components of the design including the GIS workstations, software, hardware, network resources, database design, and requirements. You will also discuss the enterprise GIS requirements including performance considerations, maintenance considerations, and security considerations.
Data Storage: The Data Storage section describes in the detail the software you will use to house the design and the data you will use to populate the map.
UML Design: The UML Diagram will illustrate the system, actors, use cases, and relationships in your GISystem design. You will also include a short explanation of the diagram.
Evaluation: The evaluation section will identify and explain the method(s) you will use to evaluate the effectiveness of your design, justify the final evaluation method you choose, and explain how you will implement the evaluation method.
Cost/Benefit Analysis: The cost/benefit analysis section should explain AND justify the specific costs of the design.
Future Work: The Future Work section sets forth clear recommendations and rationale for project continuation. It summarizes the principal features of the product that satisfy users’ needs and provides an anticipated work schedule with milestones for the next phase of the project. Any unresolved issues should be highlighted at this time. Specific approvals for project continuation are requested here.
- When you're finished with this assignment, submit your final paper to the Lesson 10 Final Term Project dropbox I've created for it in Canvas.
- Save your files in the following format: L10_tp_firstinitialLastName.docx (or other Word compatible format). For example, my file would be named "L10_tp_arobinson.docx" - This naming convention is important, as it will help me make sure I match each submission up with the right student.
- Submit your assignment to the Lesson 10 Final Term Project dropbox I've created for it in Canvas. See our Canvas Course Calendar for specific due dates.
Grading Criteria
Assignment Guidelines
Your term project should meet the following guidelines:
- Includes images and graphics where relevant
- Cites sources using a consistent citation format
- Applies consistent formatting across the sections of your paper (hint: use MS word styles)
- Present clear and organized arguments to support your project goals
- Matches the spirit and goals associated with the project option you have chosen