GEOG 583
Geospatial System Analysis and Design

Term Project: Mini-Conference

This is your “elevator pitch.” The Mini-Conference presentation is a short description of your body of work that explains the effort in a way such that any listener can understand it in a short period of time. The elevator pitch does not include all of aspects of your work, but at least explain what the idea, product, and their value. A simple goal should be to convey the topic in an exciting way.

To create an appealing presentation, be sure to include a lot of images and avoid (at all costs) long paragraphs of text. You may use some bullet points to guide your presentation, but don't use them to read your slides. Be sure to practice your presentation beforehand several time before you begin recording. You want to create a cohesive narrative that sounds like an organic conversation. The more you practice, the more you will sounds like an expert on your topic (which you are!). 

Mini-Conference Assignment

This week you will prepare a PowerPoint presentation with a voiceover that outlines the topic you chose, brief background, and key contributions of your work. You will have an opportunity to review and comment on your peer's presentations next week.

Once you are ready, move on to the Lesson 9 Mini-Conference Presentation Assignment for assignment description and submission instructions.