Important concepts to take away from this lesson
This lesson has been an exploration of the various perspectives from which we can approach policy analysis, and more specifically - energy policy analysis. We've learned that humans do not always behave rationally, that no one perspective for policy analysis can be the only analysis, and that our energy policies infiltrate all sectors of our economy and society, so a systems approach makes a lot of sense, and it's crucial that we inform the development of these policies with the best science knowledge we have available.
One of the core competencies of the ESP program is to develop strong analytical thinking skills, and this lesson was designed to prepare you with the tools you'll need to do this. A critical eye toward how our policy decisions today ripple through our lives tomorrow is a marketable skill you should continue to cultivate throughout your academic and professional career.
Reminder - Complete all tasks!
You have reached the end of the Lesson! Double-check the Lesson Requirements in Canvas to make sure you have completed all of the tasks listed there.