GEOG 469
Energy Industry Applications of GIS

Lesson 10 Rubric


Part A: Data Analysis and Presentation

Part A Rubric
Category Weight 31 – 40 Points 21 – 30 Points 11 – 20 Points 1 – 10 Points 0 Points
Written Response to Protest Letters 30% Provide a clear, objective, positive and professional response to each concern posed in each of the three protest letters. You will prepare three separate letters. Provide a clear, objective, positive response to each concern posed in two of three letters. Provide a clear, objective, positive response to each concern posed in one of three letters. -- Did not respond to any of the letters, or responded in a negative manner to any of the three protest letters.
Develop an internal public engagement document, as part of the siting document 30% At a minimum, the document includes the following elements: 1) the project scope and description, 2) siting process explanation, 3) timeline for the proposed siting process, 4) maps showing alternative route locations and proposed selected route, 5) segment of the public to be notified, 6) the number and frequency of public meetings, 7) how the public can provide input to the siting plan, 8) typical questions to be addressed at the public meetings, 9) meeting dates & locations posted on company websites, social media websites, newspapers, TV and radio and mailed to affected parties. This document is for internal use by the executive oversight committee. 8 of the 9 elements identified in the internal document, including the project description, siting process, alternative and proposed route location maps. 7 of the 9 elements identified in the internal document, including the project description, siting process, alternative and proposed route location maps. 6 of the 9 elements identified in the internal document, including the project description, siting process, alternative and proposed route location maps. Less than 6 of the 9 elements presented.
Public Participation Plan 40% A professional looking, detailed brochure, including meeting dates & venue, meeting agenda, speakers, workshops, interactive websites for comment submittals, including Facebook and other social media outlets, company point of contact for public inquiry and comment. This document is to be distributed to the target audience in both electronic and paper form. Meeting dates, venue, speakers and workshops detailed. Company siting project website and point of contact established. Meeting dates, venue, speakers and workshops detailed. Company siting project website established. Meeting dates, venue, speakers and workshops detailed. No brochure plan prepared.

The grade for each category is calculated by multiplying the weight for the category times the number of points awarded for the category to arrive at the weighted score for the category. The final grade is the sum of all category-weighted scores.

Example Grading
Category Weight Points Earned Weighted Score
Written Response to Protest Letters 30% 40 12.0
Develop Internal Document 30% 30 9.0
Public Participation Plan 40% 20 8.0
Total Score 100%  29 out of 40
= 72.5%

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