GEOG 586
Geographic Information Analysis

Project 5: Preparing the Data for Analysis


In the second chunk of RMarkdown, you will confirm that the working directory path is correct, list the available files, and read in the Ohio poverty data from the *.csv file.

### Chunk 2: Check the working directory path, list available files, and read in the Ohio poverty data.


# Checking to see if the working directory is properly set

# listing the files in the directory

# Optionally, if you want to just list files of a specific type, you can use this syntax.

# Read in the Ohio poverty data from the *.csv file. The .csv file has header information and the data columns use a comma delimiter.
# The header and sep parameters indicate that the *.csv file has header information and the data are separated by commas.
Poverty_Data <- read.csv("Ohio_Community_Survey.csv", header=T, sep=",")
