GEOG 882
Geographic Foundations of Geospatial Intelligence

10.8 Summary and Final Tasks



Completion of this lesson:

  • introduced you to the basics of crime mapping and analysis, and contemplation of how geospatial intelligence applies to this field;
  • introduced some questions about how geospatial intelligence applies to the area of international disaster response and humanitarian relief;
  • introduced ideas concerning cyberspace and Geoint;
  • completed the World Campus SEEQ survey;
  • provided your feedback to the instructors on specific components of the course.

Final Tasks

Deliverable: Lesson 10 – GRADED Discussion Forum #4.

Return to Lesson 10 in Canvas. Look for the Lesson 10 - GRADED Discussion Forum (#4), where you will find the three topics for this assignment. You will at a minimum address two of the three topics. You may address all three topics if you wish. The minimum requirement is that each of you post one primary response to two of the three discussion topics: Crime Analysis, IHR, or Cyberspace. You must then comment on at least TWO of your classmates' posts. You must then provide a primary post on the course feedback question. (Five total posts - three primary posts and two comments.) There is no need to comment on the course feedback question.

Remember to analyze the questions to determine specified and implied requirements, explicitly demonstrate your higher order and critical thinking skills, show me you read the required readings, and that you did some research if required. I challenge you to try and see beyond your cultural filters (which are sometimes blinders) and view these issues from a higher level or different perspective.

Note: Please post your primary response to the questions by Sunday evening to allow time for everyone to post comments by Tuesday night.

Deliverable: World Campus Student Educational Experience Questionnaire (SEEQ) Survey.

Return to Canvas and look for the link to the World Campus SEEQ Survey, where you will access the survey. NOTE: Information in this survey is strictly confidential, and has NO impact whatsoever on course grades.

Before you close your books, double-check the Lesson 10 Checklist to make sure you have completed all of the required activities for this lesson.

Looking Back

This concludes the course. It was a pleasure having you in this class, and thank you for all your hard work in completing this course. All of you have been very professional, and I have learned as much from you as I hope you have learned from the course.

Check the Grades to ensure you have credit for all your assignments. I will submit final grades to Penn State no later than 48 hours after the final day of class, and I will also email individually with your course grade. It will probably be a few weeks before the grades are officially posted in eLion (e.g., your transcript).

Do not forget to register for the next course. We wish you the best in the future and hope the knowledge and skills you gained from this course will contribute to your success.

Mark Corson, Greg Thomas, Mike Thomas, and Steve Handwerk

GEOG 882 Course Faculty