There are several resources related to Cosmology that you may find helpful:
- The NASA WMAP mission provides a website that they call "Universe 101," which is an excellent set of materials that elaborate more deeply on many of the topics from this lesson in more detail than I was able to do.
- As always, you can also refer to www.astronomynotes.com for an additional set of reference material. Their cosmology chapter includes more sections than our lesson.
- Penn State Professor Niel Brandt has taught in past summers a week long workshop on Cosmology for science teachers, and he makes available all of his notes and overheads.
- WMAP also has an online activity for classroom use called "Measuring Accuracy."
- Another publication with cosmology background and related activities is the "Teacher's Guide to the Universe."
- At Crash Course Astronomy, Phil Plait has episodes on Dark Matter, the Big Bang, Dark Energy, A Brief History of the Universe, and Deep Time