Students will assess how coastal communities can plan for and adapt to rising sea levels.
Learning Objectives
By the end of this module, students should be able to:
- critically examine the current state of sea level rise adaptation policy in the U.S.;
- consider the policy options for coastal communities at risk from sea level rise in the U.S. and around
the world; - assess how coastal community stakeholders work through the planning process, assess vulnerability
and adaptation strategy options;
Module 13 Roadmap
-- | Assignment |
To Read/Watch |
In addition to reading all of the required materials here on the course website, before you begin working through this module, please read the following required readings to make sure you are familiar with the content so you can complete the assignments. Videos
Extra readings are clearly noted throughout the module and can be pursued as your time and interest allow. |
To Do |
If you have any questions, please use the Canvas email tool to contact the instructor.