Please put your write-up, or a link to your write-up, in the Project 7 drop-box.
Summary of Project 7 Deliverables
For Project 7, the items you are required to have in your write-up are:
- Describe in your write-up how the distance analysis operation works, including commentary on how you would combine multiple distance analysis results (one for each high school) to produce an allocation analysis output and the differences in the straight-line distance allocation and the actual allocation of places to school districts in the present example. In your write-up, be sure to include maps and associated tables you feel will help illustrate this part of your analysis.
- Describe in your write-up how you created the roads raster. In your write-up, be sure to include maps and associated tables you feel will help illustrate this part of your analysis.
- Perform the cost-weighted distance analysis for the high schools using the roads raster layer. Examine the resulting allocation layer. How does it differ from the straight-line distance allocation result? Do the roads account for all the inconsistencies between the straight-line distance allocation and the actual school districts? Answer these questions in your write-up. In your write-up, be sure to include maps and associated tables you feel will help illustrate this part of your analysis.
- Estimate the number of school-aged children in the four school districts and put these estimates in your write-up. Also, describe how you arrived at your estimates. In your write-up, be sure to include maps and associated tables you feel will help illustrate this part of your analysis.
- Insert into your Project 7 write-up a map and other details of your proposal for a new high school and associated district, including an estimate of the number of school-aged children in each zone, arguments for and against the particular location and district boundaries you are proposing, possible problems with your analysis, maps, and explanations of any analysis carried out to support your decision-making. You should also calculate the road travel cost-weighted distance allocation zone associated with each school and show your results in a map (or maps).
I suggest that you review the Lesson 7 Overview page to be sure you have completed the all required work for Lesson 7.
That's it for Project 7!