In this lesson, we presented an overview of the history of the electric transmission grid since its inception in the early 1900s. We presented how and why the various state and federal governments influenced the development and use of the grid, and we briefly discussed the criteria used to site new transmission lines. We also viewed some real-life video footage of actual transmission line siting controversies. Those videos gave us a quick look at the issues confronting transmission line siting teams and the "Not in My Back Yard" passion of local residents.
The takeaways from this lesson are:
- The electric grid was not planned, it evolved.
- The electric grid is regulated by some states but not by others.
- The federal government only regulates interstate transmission.
- For transmission lines crossing federal lands, an environmental assessment for those portions of the project that might impact federal lands must be conducted.
- Siting can be a long, involved process that includes many government regulations and agencies.
- Winning the approval of the public may be the biggest siting hurdle to overcome.
Reminder - Complete all of the lesson tasks!
You have finished Lesson 5. Double-check the list of requirements on the first page of this lesson to make sure you have completed all of the activities listed there before beginning the next lesson.
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