GEOG 486
Cartography and Visualization

Summary and Final Tasks


Summary and Final Tasks


You've reached the end of Lesson 6! This lesson, we discussed the many techniques available for visualizing Earth's terrain, including vertical views (e.g., contour lines, hachures), oblique views (e.g., panoramas, draped images), and 3D physical models. We also explored the terrain layers available to be generated and designed in ArcGIS and similar software, and talked about the importance of DEM resolution (scale) for terrain-mapping projects.

In Lab 6, we put all this together with concepts from earlier lessons. We built a map for an imagined trail run in San Francisco, which involved the design of base, thematic, and underlying terrain data, as well as the composition of a neat, useful, and visually-appealing layout. This kind of mapping task is quite common—cartographers must often combine techniques from many different aspects of map design in their work.

Another important aspect of this lab was our focus on the intended map-reader: someone running a trail race, or cheering on a participating friend or family member. We'll talk more in-depth about map readers (and map users, in the case of interactive maps) in upcoming lessons. How can we design maps so that they best communicate our data, or assist their readers in making better decisions? Continue to Lesson 7 to find out. 

Reminder - Complete all of the Lesson 6 tasks!

You have reached the end of Lesson 6! Double-check the to-do list on the Lesson 6 Overview page to make sure you have completed all of the activities listed there before you begin Lesson 7.