EME 810
Solar Resource Assessment and Economics

2.1 Learning Outcomes


By the end of this lesson, you should be able to:

  • identify and apply the Earth-Sun Angles and the relations/equations between Solar Time and Watch Time (Standard/Daylight Savings);
  • identify and apply the Observer-Sun Angles and be able to create a Sun Chart for shading analysis linked with the SAM software;
  • identify the Collector Angles used to describe the orientation of a collector surface relative to the moving Sun (fixed or tracking) for power output analysis linked with the SAM software;
  • list the important roles of geospatial relations to the three-part goal of Solar Energy Design.

What is due for Lesson 2?

This lesson is loaded with material on Sun-Earth geometry and will take us two weeks to complete. Please refer to the Canvas Calendar for specific timeframes and due dates - those can vary from semester to semester. Specific directions for the assignments below can be found further within this lesson.

Lesson 2 Assignments
Required Reading:

J.R. Brownson, Solar Energy Conversion Systems (SECS), Chapter 1 - Introduction, Communication of Units and a Standard Solar Language

J.R. Brownson, Solar Energy Conversion Systems (SECS), Chapter 6 - Sun-Earth Geometry

J.R. Brownson, Solar Energy Conversion Systems (SECS), Chapter 7 - Applying the Angles to Shadows and Tracking

You might be wondering: "What about Chapters 3-5?" Feel free to read Ch 3-4 for review materials on light physics and heat transfer. We will return to Ch 5 in Lesson 3.

W.A. Beckman, J.W. Bugler, P.I. Cooper, J.A. Duffie, R.V. Dunkle, P.E. Glaser, T. Horigome, E. D. Howe, T.A. Lawand, P.L. van der Mersch, J.K. Page, N.R. Sheridan, S.V. Szokolay, G.T. Ward (1978). Units and symbols in solar energy. Solar Energy 21, 65–68.

To Do:

Quiz (see Canvas) - due by the end of first week

Yellowdig Discussion: Reflection on time conversions / Daylight savings

Learning Activity: Shadow diagrams with Sun Charts - due by the end of the second week

Engage in all Try-This and Self-check activities (not graded).

Topics: Directionality of light: source to sink

Solar Time vs. Watch Time

Sun-Earth relations

Sun-Observer relations

Collector orientation and shading effects


If you have any questions, please post them to the Lesson 2 General Questions and Comments Discussion Forum in Yellowdig. I will check these forums regularly to respond. Feel free to go through the comments and post your own responses if you are able to help out a classmate.