Coastal Processes, Hazards, and Society

Goals and Objectives


Goals and Objectives


  • Students will continue to develop the fundamental geospatial skills and concepts needed to assess the coastal processes and hazards discussed in this course.
  • Students will develop an understanding of the relationships between the hydrosphere and lithosphere that result in the development of tsunami.
  • Students will consider the geology of tsunamis and their impacts on shorelines.
  • Students will consider current shoreline processes in the context of coastal hazards and past and present evolution of coastline morphology.

Learning Objectives

By the end of this module, students should be able to:

  • describe the geologic phenomena that lead to the occurrence of  tsunamis;
  • analyze case studies of how coastal systems are impacted by geologic hazards such as tsunamis;

Module 7 Roadmap

Module 7 Roadmap
-- Assignment
To Read

In addition to reading all of the required materials here on the course website, before you begin working through this module, please read the following required readings to build some required background knowledge on sea level rise predictions and future changes in storm intensity.

Extra readings are clearly noted throughout the module and can be pursued as your time and interest allow.

To Do
  • Complete Module 7 Lab (Discussion).
  • Take the Module 7 Quiz.


If you have any questions, please use the Canvas email tool to contact the instructor.