This series of Web pages contains the material in Chapter 17: Numerical Weather Prediction, which is part of the sixth edition of the textbook / laboratory manual, A World of Weather: Fundamentals of Meteorology (book review). You can access the individual sections for Chapter 17 under the Table of Contents menu in the blue margin on your left.
About the Authors: Lee Grenci and Jon Nese
Lee M. Grenci is a retired Senior Lecturer and forecaster from the Department of Meteorology and Atmospheric Science at Penn State. While at Penn State, he was an e-Education Fellow and the lead faculty member for Penn State's online program that confers a Certificate of Achievement in Weather Forecasting. In 1993, he won the Wilson Award for Outstanding Teaching in the College of Earth and Mineral Sciences. He also received the College's 2003 Mitchell Award for Innovative Teaching and the 2008 Faculty Mentoring Award. His nationally acclaimed online course, Meteorology 101: Understanding Weather Forecasting, won the 2003 Meritorious Course Award presented by the University Continuing Education Association. METEO 101 also won the 2004 ANGEL Course Contest as the Best Completely Online Course at Penn State University.
Dr. Jon M. Nese is the Associate Head for Undergraduate Programs and and on-air meteorologist in the Department of Meteorology and Atmospheric Science at Penn State, where he teaches a variety of undergraduate courses, including Introduction to Weather Analysis and Synoptic Meteorology Laboratory. He also writes and produces Emmy award-winning informational features for Penn State's fifteen-minute weather magazine show, Weather World. Prior to joining the Penn State faculty, Dr. Nese was an on-air Storm Analyst at The Weather Channel from 2002 to 2005. He previously served as Chief Meteorologist at the Franklin Institute Science Museum in Philadelphia, where he co-authored The Philadelphia Area Weather Book, which was honored with the 2005 Louis J. Battan Author's Award from the American Meteorological Society.
Features of this Chapter
- Internal Search Engine (under Resources on your left)
- Printer-friendly pages...simply click on the Print link in the upper-right corner of each page
- Laboratory Exercises